Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dashing days

Ok there are about 12 days til christmas and all I can say is I hope that Santa is doing better then me because I have only bought about three presents.. and I am serious!!! Even if I found the time... I have no clue what to buy most of the members in my family....not a good sign this close to xmas...

My parents arrived in town last thursday for a month long visit... and amazingly things seem to be going ok... its hard to put too many parents in one house for long periods of time... Did I mention my mom likes the heat set on 75 degrees??? Well Heidi may be in Maui but I can tell you I feel like its Bermuda here!!!

I got that a great phone call from Amanda last night... she was in Target... it kinda went like this...
I'm dying.. what do I take?
hmmmm any other symptoms???
besides dying??? yea , I'm dizzy, my arms are heavy, my throat hurts but I'm not congested... or maybe I am and thats why I sound like this, what do I take???
Well how about Theraflu?
It tastes bad...
Bad makes you feel better....

Well she finally settled on something I never heard of... but I had to chuckle its exam time and shes sick... think its mental????
Stress will do that every time!

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