Sunday, March 18, 2007


Main Entry: 1jew·el
Pronunciation: 'jü-&l, 'jül also 'jul
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English juel, from Anglo-French, diminutive of ju, jeu game, play, from Latin jocus game, joke -- more at JOKE
1 : an ornament of precious metal often set with stones or decorated with enamel and worn as an accessory of dress
2 : one that is highly esteemed
3 : a precious stone : GEM
4 : a bearing for a pivot (as in a watch) made of crystal, glass, or a gem
- jew·el·like /-"lIk/ adjective

Somehow I get side tracked-- one project leads to another totally unrelated project. While trying to get order in my life, I was putting away laundry and making my bed--minding my own business and before I knew I was cleaning out the jewelry box. Ahh the jewels I found! I think one could say my Jewels fit #2 on the list of definitions... While not worth alot of money--the Gems I have stored away are highly prized possessions that are a walk down memory lane... My PTA president pin, my world cup soccer pin, my highly ornate necklaces Amanda bought for me at the Christmas stores while in elementary school, the Cubscout pins, the earrings that lost their mates many years ago... all stored lovingly, collecting dust in various jewelry boxes. Yes I have stuffed these jewels in cigar boxes, hand painted Popsicle boxes, dresser drawers and even my jewelry box.
Today I am one Foodlion bag lighter.... Score one for me-- Less is more.

1 comment:

kok said...

you should have saved them for the LKG flea market...while they have regular booths, the outside tables apparently you can just go and set up and sell. I am going to be doing it this spring!