Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th??

My luck must be changing because I got up early today to go to traffic court and made it there on time! amazing for me to be anywhere on time... but the good news is all is well.... I got pulled over about a month ago for having dead tags... How does this happen? Well the vette was wintering in the garage and I guess when the registration came I filed it away to be dealt with on another day-- unfortunately that day didn't come. I wouldn't have driven the car that day-- but Corey was moving and needed the Jimmy-- And so I hopped in the car not knowing---
The poor Police officer-- I told him there was no way I didn't get the new stickers... they HAD to be on my desk at home--very indignant I was!-- I just hadn't driven the car in months.... IMAGINE my surprise when I got home to find I had just filed it away!!
Fast forward to today-- I filed my way into the Warrenton court house-- OMG a place of beauty-- ofcourse the scrapbooker in me MADE me pull out my camera--Yup I took a picture of the court room... its old and majestic and full of history.
Then the prosocuter meandered down the list of names.. called me up asked for the registration and said-- ok charges dropped...I smile-- ok it was a GRIN-- and ask don't you wanna hear my story?-- he laughs and says not today and I say but its a good one...he tells me to take this little peice of notebook paper that he has torn from a notebook downstairs so they can notate the dismal.
GoodNews?? I saw the police officer who pulled me over... he recognized me-- asked if I got my vette fixed-- I apoligized-- told HIM my whole story-- apoligized for lying to him even though I didn't think I was at the time... he laughed and told me everyone lies to him! Not bad for a Friday the 13th huh?

Moral of the story: Don't listen to everyone who says its not worth your time to go to court just pay it and get it over... It cost me an hour of my day-- I got to apologize to a nice officer-- and I didn't have to pay a dime!

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