Thursday, December 06, 2007

Its not so jolly

I’m not stressing yet but this holiday stuff is definitely weighing heavily on me. Christmas is becoming a chore and depression is sneaking in. If one more person asks if I have my holiday shopping done I might just scream. No I do not – there I said it. I do not have presents for Christmas. And furthermore I don’t even have a clue what I am shopping for. The few items I thought I would buy—hmmm not available.
The house is decorated. The stockings are hung. But the tree its looking mighty lonely. My recipe for Christmas this year has one big old flaw—the shopping part….

1 comment:

kok said...

take deep breaths and remember it's only stuff and things. The love of your family and friends and the goodtimes and memories you have will outlast all of the stuff you could ever hope to buy